


Are you fascinated by the Korean language and culture? Are you a language enthusiast looking to expand your horizons? Well, you're in the right place! In this blog post, we're going to take a swift journey into the world of basic Korean nouns that every language learner should know. Whether you're planning a trip to South Korea, interested in K-pop, or simply intrigued by the language, these words are essential building blocks.


Basic Korean Words, Sample Sentences, and Applications for TOPIK (030)


0291 아들 son adeul

0292 아버지 father abeoji

0293 아이 child ai

0294 아침 morning achim

0295 아파트 apartment apateu

0296 악기 musical instrument akgi

0297 안개 fog angae

0298 안경 glasses angyeong

0299 안전 safety anjeon

0300 애인 lover aein


1. 아들 (son)


Let's start with family. "아들" (son) is a fundamental word that you can use to talk about your son or someone else's son. For example, "그는 내 아들이에요" means "He is my son."


2. 아버지 (father)


Next up, we have "아버지" (father). Use this word to refer to your father or anyone else's father. "나의 아버지" means "my father."


3. 아이 (child)


"아이" (child) is a versatile term that can be used to describe any child, whether it's your own or someone else's. For instance, "그 아이는 매우 귀엽다" translates to "That child is very cute."


4. 아침 (morning)


Start your day by learning "아침" (morning). You can use it to talk about the time of day or specific morning routines. "아침에 커피를 마셔요" means "I drink coffee in the morning."


5. 아파트 (apartment)


If you're planning a trip to South Korea or discussing housing options, you'll find "아파트" (apartment) quite handy. "그 아파트는 아주 크다" means "That apartment is very spacious."


6. 악기 (musical instrument)


Music lovers, take note! "악기" (musical instrument) is a must-know word for discussing your musical interests. "나는 기타를 연주해요" translates to "I play the guitar."


7. 안개 (fog)


Weather discussions often come up, and "안개" (fog) is the word you'll need when describing foggy conditions. "오늘은 안개가 자욱해요" means "Today, it's foggy."


8. 안경 (glasses)


For those who wear glasses or need to talk about eyewear, "안경" (glasses) is essential. "내 안경을 잊어버렸어" translates to "I forgot my glasses."


9. 안전 (safety)


Safety is a universal concern. "안전" (safety) can be used in various contexts to discuss safety measures or concerns. "안전이 중요해요" means "Safety is important."


10. 애인 (lover)


Finally, we have "애인" (lover). This word is useful when talking about romantic relationships. "내 애인과 함께 여행하고 싶어요" translates to "I want to travel with my lover."


한국어: 아들이 학교에 갑니다.

영어: The son is going to school.


한국어: 아버지가 신문을 읽고 있어요.

영어: Father is reading the newspaper.


한국어: 이 아이는 정말 귀여워요!

영어: This child is really cute!


한국어: 아침에 일찍 일어나서 운동해요.

영어: I wake up early in the morning and exercise.


한국어: 저희는 아파트에서 살아요.

영어: We live in an apartment.


한국어: 그 악기는 아주 아름다워요.

영어: That musical instrument is very beautiful.


한국어: 안개로 인해 시야가 매우 좁아졌어요.

영어: The fog has greatly reduced visibility.


한국어: 내 안경을 잃어버렸어요.

영어: I lost my glasses.


한국어: 안전을 위해 항상 시트벨트를 착용하세요.

영어: Always wear a seatbelt for safety.


한국어: 나의 애인과 함께 영화를 보는 걸 좋아해요.

영어: I enjoy watching movies with my lover.


Learning these basic Korean nouns is a fantastic way to kickstart your Korean language journey. Use them in your conversations, and you'll find that connecting with Korean speakers becomes even more enjoyable. So, what are you waiting for? Start incorporating these words into your vocabulary, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Korean language pro!



KKT (030) Basic Korean Words Quiz for TOPIK


Choose the right Korean word for the following English word.


1. lover

a) 아이 b) 애인 c) 아들 d) 안경


2. safety

a) 안경 b) 아버지 c) 안개 d) 안전


3. child

a) 애인 b) 악기 c) 아침 d) 아이


4. glasses

a) 안경 b) 아들 c) 안개 d) 아이


Choose the right English word for the following Korean word.


5. 아들

a) apartment b) child c) son d) lover


6. 안전

a) safety b) musical instrument c) morning d) fog


7. 아이

a) child b) apartment c) glasses d) father


8. 아버지

a) father b) musical instrument c) child d) fog


Choose the appropriate word in parentheses.


9. ( ) 식사를 하셨어요?

a) 아침 b) 악기 c) 안전 d) 애인


10. ( )의 출근 길

a) 아버지 b) 아이 c) 아파트 d) 안경


Quiz Answers - Click Here







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