
Welcome to our comprehensive Korean language blog post! In this guide, we'll embark on an exciting journey to expand your Korean vocabulary. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding of the language, this resource is designed to equip you with 300 basic Korean words that are indispensable for everyday conversations, travel, and various other contexts.


Before we delve into the words themselves, you might be wondering why it's essential to learn such a vast number of words. Well, language proficiency isn't just about memorizing a few phrases; it's about building a robust vocabulary that allows you to express yourself effectively in various situations. By mastering these 300 words, you'll significantly enhance your ability to communicate in Korean and gain confidence in your language skills.


Everyday conversations form the backbone of language learning. Whether you're greeting someone, ordering food at a restaurant, or asking for directions, having the right words at your disposal can make all the difference. That's why we've curated a list of words that cover a wide range of everyday topics, ensuring that you're well-prepared for any conversation that comes your way.


If you're planning to visit Korea or engage with Korean speakers while traveling abroad, having a basic grasp of the language can enrich your travel experience immensely. From asking for directions to interacting with locals, knowing key phrases can help you navigate unfamiliar environments with ease. Our list of 300 words includes essential travel vocabulary that will empower you to communicate effectively during your adventures.


Beyond everyday conversations and travel situations, learning Korean opens doors to a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant community of speakers. By immersing yourself in the language and embracing new words and expressions, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for Korean culture and forge meaningful connections with native speakers.


With 300 essential Korean words at your fingertips, you're well on your way to becoming a confident and proficient Korean speaker. Whether you're embarking on a language learning journey for personal or professional reasons, remember that every word you learn brings you one step closer to fluency. So, let's dive into the world of Korean vocabulary and explore the boundless opportunities that await!




No. Korean English
0001 무릎 knee
0002 door
0003 water
0004 미국 the United States
0005 미술관 art museum
0006 미용실 beauty salon
0007 밀가루 wheat flour
0008 바나나 banana
0009 바다 sea 
0010 바이올린 violin
0011 바지 pants
0012 박물관 museum
0013 박수 applause
0014 반지 ring
0015 foot
0016 room
0017 ship
0018 배드민턴 badminton
0019 백화점 department store
0020 snake
0021 버스 bus
0022 베트남 Vietnam
0023 wall
0024 변호사 lawyer
0025 star
0026 bottle
0027 병원 hospital
0028 볼펜 ballpoint pen
0029 spring
0030 부엌 kitchen
0031 fire
0032 rain
0033 비누 soap
0034 비행기 airplane
0035 빨간색 red color
0036 빨래 laundry
0037 bread
0038 사과 apple
0039 사전 dictionary
0040 사무실 office
0041 사진 photo
0042 사탕 candy
0043 mountain
0044 bird
0045 color
0046 생일 birthday
0047 샤워 shower
0048 서랍 drawer
0049 서점 bookstore
0050 서쪽 west
0051 선물 gift
0052 선생님 teacher
0053 선수 athlete
0054 선풍기 electric fan
0055 설탕 sugar
0056 island
0057 세탁기 washer
0058 bull
0059 소금 salt
0060 소리 sound
0061 소설 novel
0062 소파 sofa
0063 hand 
0064 손수건 handkerchief
0065 수박 watermelon
0066 수술 surgery
0067 수영 swimming
0068 수요일 Wednesday
0069 수저 spoon and chopsticks
0070 숫자 number
0071 시계 clock
0072 시장 market
0073 시청 city hall
0074 시험 exam
0075 식당 restaurant
0076 식빵 loaf bread
0077 식초 vinegar
0078 식탁 dining table
0079 신랑 groom
0080 신문 newspaper
0081 신발 shoes
0082 신부 bride
0083 신호등 traffic light
0084 신혼여행 honeymoon
0085 rice
0086 쓰레기통 trash bin
0087 아가씨 young lady
0088 아기 baby
0089 아나운서 announcer
0090 아내 wife
0091 아들 son
0092 아버지 father
0093 아이 child
0094 아침 morning
0095 아파트 apartment
0096 악기 musical instrument
0097 안개 fog
0098 안경 glasses
0099 안전 safety
0100 애인 lover
0101 기숙사 dormitory
0102 기억 memory
0103 기온 temperature
0104 기자 reporter
0105 기차역 train station
0106 기침 cough
0107 기타 guitar
0108 기회 chance
0109 gum
0110 flower
0111 dream
0112 나라 country
0113 나무 tree
0114 나이 age
0115 나흘 four days
0116 낚시 fishing
0117 날씨 weather
0118 남녀 man and woman
0119 남동생 younger brother
0120 남편 husband
0121 남학생 schoolboy
0122 daytime
0123 내년 next year
0124 내용 content
0125 냄비 pot 
0126 냄새 smell
0127 냉장고 refrigerator
0128 넥타이 tie
0129 노란색 yellow
0130 노래 song
0131 노력 effort
0132 녹색 green
0133 농구 basketball
0134 농담 joke
0135 높이 height
0136 누나 older sister
0137 eye
0138 뉴스 news
0139 느낌 feeling
0140 다리 bridge
0141 다림질 ironing
0142 다이어트 diet
0143 대사관 embassy
0144 단어 word
0145 단추 button
0146 단풍 autumn colors
0147 갈비탕 Galbitang (short rib soup)
0148 달걀 egg
0149 chicken
0150 담배 cigarette
0151 대학 college
0152 대화 conversation
0153 데이트 date
0154 도로 road
0155 도서관 library
0156 도시 city
0157 도움 help
0158 도착 arrival
0159 독서 reading
0160 독일 Germany
0161 money
0162 stone
0163 동물 animal
0164 동전 coin
0165 동쪽 east
0166 돼지 pig
0167 된장 soybean paste
0168 두부 tofu
0169 두통 headache
0170 rear
0171 드라마 drama
0172 back
0173 등산 climbing
0174 디자인 design
0175 daughter
0176 딸기 strawberry
0177 sweat
0178 meaning
0179 라디오 radio
0180 라면 ramen
0181 러시아 Russia
0182 레스토랑 restaurant
0183 마을 village
0184 만화 comic
0185 horse
0186 말레이시아 Malaysia
0187 taste
0188 매표소 ticket office
0189 모기 mosquito
0190 머리 head
0191 모자 hat
0192 neck
0193 목걸이 necklace
0194 목도리 scarf
0195 목소리 voice
0196 목요일 Thursday
0197 body
0198 몽골 Mongolia
0199 white radish
0200 무궁화 rose of Sharon
0201 가게 store
0202 가구 furniture
0203 가방 bag
0204 가수 singer
0205 가슴 chest
0206 가위 scissors
0207 감자 potato
0208 river
0209 dog
0210 거울 mirror
0211 가격 price
0212 가요 pop song
0213 가운데 center
0214 가을 fall
0215 가족 family
0216 간식 refreshments
0217 간장 soy sauce
0218 간호사 nurse
0219 갈비 rib
0220 갈색 brown
0221 persimmon
0222 감기 cold
0223 감기약 cold medicine
0224 맥주 beer
0225 강아지 puppy
0226 거리 street
0227 거실 living room
0228 거절 refusal
0229 거짓말 lie
0230 걱정 worry
0231 건강 health
0232 건물 building
0233 걸음 step
0234 검사 inspection
0235 검정 black
0236 달리기 running
0237 게임 game
0238 겨울 winter
0239 결과 result
0240 달력 calendar
0241 계란 egg
0242 고양이 cat
0243 결혼 marriage
0244 결혼식 wedding ceremony
0245 경기 game
0246 경찰 police
0247 경찰서 police station
0248 경치 scenery
0249 경험 experience
0250 계단 stairs
0251 계산 calculation
0252 계절 season
0253 계획 plan
0254 고기 meat
0255 고등학교 high school
0256 고등학생 high school student
0257 고민 worry
0258 고속버스 express bus
0259 결정 decision
0260 ball
0261 공무원 civil servant
0262 공부 study
0263 공원 park
0264 공장 factory
0265 공짜 free charge
0266 공책 notebook
0267 공항 airport
0268 공휴일 legal holiday
0269 과거 the past
0270 과일 fruit
0271 과자 snacks
0272 관계 relationship
0273 관광 sightseeing
0274 관광객 tourist
0275 관광지 tourist destination
0276 관심 interest
0277 광고 advertisement
0278 교과서 textbook
0279 교사 teacher
0280 교육 education
0281 교실 classroom
0282 교수 professor
0283 교통 transportation
0284 교환 exchange
0285 교회 church
0286 금요일 Friday
0287 구두 shoes
0288 구름 cloud
0289 9월 september
0290 soup
0291 국내 domestic
0292 국수 noodle
0293 국적 nationality
0294 국제 international
0295 군인 soldier
0296 ear
0297 그릇 bowl
0298 그림 picture
0299 극장 theater
0300 글씨 handwriting



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