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#추천무료폰트 "광양감동체" Recommended Korean Free Font Gwangyang Touching Font おすすめ韓国語無料フォント光陽感動体
광양감동체는 광양시의 비전과 도시 이미지를 담은 서체입니다. Gwangyang Touching Font is a font that contains the vision and urban image of Gwangyang City. 光陽感動体は光陽市のビジョンと都市イメージを盛り込んだフォントです。 애플 맥 컴퓨터에서는 otf를, 윈도우 (Windows) 컴퓨터는 ttf로 폰트를 설치하면 되겠습니다. You can download the ttf file on the computer with Windows installed and the otf file on the Apple computer and install the font. ウィンドウズがインストールされたパソコンはttfファイルを、アップル社のパソコンはotfファイ..
2023. 8. 1. 13:33