Free Fonts
#무료폰트 "한글재민체" Korean Free Hangeul Jaemin Font 韓国語無料フォント韓契在民(ハングルジェミン)体 Ver.1.0, Ver.2.0
한글재민체는 구한말 황제의 칙서 속 붓글씨에서 영감을 받아 폰트로 제작한 무료폰트입니다. 박재갑 서울대 명예교수와 김민 국민대 교수의 협업으로 탄생하게 되었습니다. Hangeul Jaemin Font is a free font that was created as a font inspired by the calligraphies in the emperor's royal edict at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. It was created through the collaboration of Park Jae-gahb, an honorary professor at Seoul National University, and Kim Min, a professor at Kookmin Univ..
2021. 5. 20. 14:37