
If you're interested in learning Korean, building your vocabulary with basic nouns is a great place to start. In this post, we'll cover 10 common Korean nouns with English translations that are essential for beginners. These include words like clock, market, city hall, exam, restaurant, and newspaper. By learning these nouns, you'll be able to express yourself better in Korean and start building your language skills. Read on to discover the meanings, pronunciations, and usage of these essential Korean nouns.

If you're planning to visit Korea, it's important to know these basic words to help you communicate with the locals and navigate daily life. You'll also gain insights into Korean culture, customs, and cuisine. This blog post is SEO optimized to help you find the information you need to start learning Korean today.



Basic Korean Words, Sample Sentences, and Applications for TOPIK (028)

0271 시계 clock sigye
0272 시장 market sijang
0273 시청 city hall sicheong
0274 시험 exam siheom
0275 식당 restaurant sikdang
0276 식빵 loaf bread sikppang
0277 식초 vinegar sikcho
0278 식탁 dining table siktak
0279 신랑 groom sillang
0280 신문 newspaper sinmun

예문 Sample Sentences

시계가 벽에 걸려있다.
Clock is hanging on the wall.

시장에 가서 쇼핑을 할 거야.
I'm going to the market to do some shopping.

시청으로 가서 문제를 해결해야 해.
I need to go to the city hall to resolve the issue.

내일 시험이 있어서 공부해야 해.
I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to study.

저녁에 식당에서 친구들과 만날 거야.
I'm going to meet my friends at the restaurant tonight.

갓 구워낸 식빵 한 조각을 먹었다.
I ate a piece of freshly baked loaf bread.

샐러드에 식초를 조금 더 넣어야 할 것 같아.
I think I need to add a little more vinegar to the salad.

식탁에 음식을 담아 놓았다.
I put the food on the dining table.

신랑은 멋지게 차려입었다.
The groom was dressed nicely.

아침에 신문을 읽고 커피를 마셨다.
I read the newspaper and drank coffee in the morning.

KKT (028) Basic Korean Words Quiz for TOPIK

Choose the right Korean word for the following English word.

1. clock
a) 시청 b) 신문 c) 시계 d) 식탁

2. vinegar
a) 식탁 b) 시장 c) 식초 d) 신랑

3. city hall
a) 신문 b) 식빵 c) 시험 d) 시청

4. dining table
a) 식탁 b) 시계 c) 식초 d) 시청

Choose the right English word for the following Korean word.

5. 신문
a) restaurant b) city hall c) clock d) newspaper

6. 신랑
a) groom b) loaf bread c) exam d) vinegar

7. 식당
a) city hall b) restaurant c) dining table d) market

8. 시장
a) market b) loaf bread c) city hall d) vinegar

Choose the appropriate word in parentheses.

9. 맛있는 ( )을 샀어요.
a) 시험 b) 식빵 c) 신랑 d) 신문

10. 우리집 ( ) 위에 식초가 있어요.
a) 시장 b) 시청 c) 신랑 d) 식탁

Quiz Answers - Click Here











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