
Are you looking to learn Korean but not sure where to start? In this blog post, we'll introduce 10 basic Korean nouns that every non- Korean should know. Whether you're planning a trip to Korea or just want to expand your vocabulary, these nouns - including novel, sofa, hand, handkerchief, watermelon, surgery, swimming, Wednesday, spoon and chopsticks, and number - will give you a solid foundation. By incorporating these essential nouns into your language learning, you'll be on your way to speaking and understanding Korean in no time. Follow our tips and tricks for mastering Korean vocabulary, and start your language journey today!



Basic Korean Words, Sample Sentences, and Applications for TOPIK (027)

0261 소설 novel soseol
0262 소파 sofa sopa
0263 손 hand  son
0264 손수건 handkerchief sonsugeon
0265 수박 watermelon subak
0266 수술 surgery susul
0267 수영 swimming suyeong
0268 수요일 Wednesday suyoil
0269 수저 spoon and chopsticks sujeo
0270 숫자 number sutja

예문 Sample Sentences

1. 저는 자기 전에 소설 읽는 것을 좋아합니다.
2. 거실에 있는 소파는 매우 편안합니다.
3. 식사 전에 손을 씻으세요.
4. 그녀는 손수건으로 눈물을 닦았습니다.
5. 수박은 매우 달고 즙이 많습니다.
6. 그는 지난주에 무릎 수술을 받았습니다.
7. 우리는 오늘 해변에 수영하러 갔습니다.
8. 수요일은 한 주의 중간입니다.
9. 저는 수저를 사용하는 것을 선호합니다.
10. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 번호는 무엇입니까?

1. I love to read novels before bed.
2. The sofa in the living room is very comfortable.
3. Please wash your hands before eating.
4. She wiped her tears with a handkerchief.
5. The watermelon is so sweet and juicy.
6. He had surgery on his knee last week.
7. We went swimming at the beach today.
8. Wednesday is the middle of the week.
9. I prefer to use spoon and chopsticks.
10. What's your favorite number?


KKT (027) Basic Korean Words Quiz for TOPIK


Choose the right Korean word for the following English word.

1. number

a) 손 b) 숫자 c) 소설 d) 수요일

2. swimming

a) 수요일 b) 소파 c) 수영 d) 수저

3. hand

a) 숫자 b) 수술 c) 손수건 d) 손

4. Wednesday

a) 수요일 b) 소설 c) 수영 d) 손


Choose the right English word for the following Korean word.

5. 수박

a) watermelon b) hand c) novel d) number

6. 수저

a) spoon and chopsticks b) surgery c) handkerchief d) swimming

7. 손

a) hand b) watermelon c) Wednesday d) sofa

8. 소파

a) sofa b) surgery c) hand d) swimming


Choose the appropriate word in parentheses.

9. 친구가 병원에서 ( )을 받았다.

a) 손수건 b) 수술 c) 수저 d) 숫자

10. ( )은 내가 좋아하는 과일이다.

a) 소파 b) 손 c) 수박 d) 수요일 

Quiz Answers - Click Here


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