
Basic Korean Language Lessons for Beginners. 

Read, Listen and Repeat Korean Phrases and Sentences. No Books, Just Watch. Faster and Easier Way to Learn Korean Vocabulary Words. Easy Learning Korean Vocabulary Tutorial for TOPIK 1 (Test of Proficiency in Korean) of Kris Korean Tube. Repetition Makes Perfect.

Basic Korean Words for TOPIK 1 (006)

0051 계산 calculation

0052 계절 season

0053 계획 plan

0054 고기 meat

0055 고등학교 high school

0056 고등학생 high school student

0057 고민 worry

0058 고속버스 express bus

0059 결정 decision

0060 ball

Sample Sentences of Basic Korean Vocabulary for TOPIK 1 (006)

0051 계산 calculation

계산을 합니다. I do the calculation.

0052 계절 season

생각이 많은 계절입니다. It's a season of thought.

0053 계획 plan

계획이 있습니다. I have a plan.

0054 고기 meat

고기가 좋습니다. The meat is good.

0055 고등학교 high school

큰 고등학교 입니다. It is a big high school.

0056 고등학생 high school student

저 선수들은 고등학생입니다. Those players are high school students.

0057 고민 worry

고민이 많습니다. I have a lot of worries.

0058 고속버스 express bus

오래된 고속버스 입니다. It's an old express bus.

0059 결정 decision

결정을 하기 어렵습니다. It's hard to make a decision.

0060 ball

축구공이 있습니다. There is a soccer ball.

Quiz of Basic Korean Words for TOPIK 1 (006) 

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Quiz of Basic Korean Words for TOPIK 1 (006) 

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